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Oral Cancer Screenings

While cancer can be a scary word to hear, there is something patients can do to help limit their chances of being diagnosed during a late stage of the disease. When it comes to oral cancer, the disease is generally 80-90% curable when caught early.

At Dentist in Hervey Bay, the team is proud to offer oral cancer screenings for patients of every age and stage of life, and includes the service in all routine checkup and cleanings that are booked in the practice.

What to Expect

Woman hearing concerning newsOral cancer screenings are painless and quick in the practice. During a patient’s checkup and cleaning appointment, a hygienist will perform the screening by looking for soft tissue abnormalities.

In addition, X-rays can often provide a great diagnostic tool for early detection deeper in the mouth and bones.

Should anything out of the ordinary be discovered during a patient’s visit, the dentist will promptly refer them to care with an appropriate physician. That’s a promise!

Risk Factors

While many patients correctly associate tobacco and alcohol use with an increase in oral cancer, nearly 27% of people diagnosed with the disease aren’t alcohol or tobacco users.

Other risk factors include being over the age of 45 and male. A family history of oral cancer may also lead to an increased risk in developing the condition.

Book an Oral Cancer Screening

Dentist in Hervey Bay encourages all patients to book an oral cancer screening if they have a family history of the disease or simply want to make sure their oral health is in tip-top shape. Contact the practice today to begin the process.