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Crowns and Bridges in Hervey Bay

Helping our clients create and maintain the smile they’ve always wanted is our goal at Dentist in Hervey Bay. Crowns and bridges are important restorations that can help keep you smiling, even when your natural teeth are not all healthy (or present).

Crown model


A crown is a covering that encases the whole tooth to protect it and maintain its structural integrity. They are used when a significant amount of tooth material has been lost due to fillings, leaving the tooth prone to fracture. They are also used after a root canal, particularly in the back teeth, as this procedure also leaves a tooth in a weakened state.

As with all of our services, we will do a thorough examination and cleaning before placing crowns. We’ll prep the tooth and take digital scans of the tooth, which we send to the lab to fabricate the crown. When we receive the crown, we’ll have you back in for an appointment to permanently place it.

This type of restoration can last ten years or more, depending on your overall oral health and care.

Bridge model


Bridges are used to replace missing teeth—they essentially bridge the gap caused by missing teeth. Crowns are placed on the teeth adjacent to the missing section, and these crowns are attached to false teeth that replace the missing teeth in between. Your dentist will discuss your situation and let you know what the best options are for your particular smile. They’ll print out our treatment plan recommendations and allow you to decide how to proceed.

We’ll complete a checkup and cleaning to ensure all existing teeth are sound before proceeding. Then we’ll take digital scans for the crowns and send them to the lab to fabricate your bridge. When we receive it, we’ll book you in to permanently place your bridge.

Schedule Today

Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn if a crown or bridge may be the answer to your smile needs.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Crowns and Bridges Hervey Bay, Torquay, Pialba QLD | (07) 4348 4055